Tuesday, December 29, 2009
How To Use Hydrogen Peroxide Ongenital Herpes
In the last week were two soo beautiful and important events, so I sign up again to report about it.
was first on 25 December Christmas party.
The big Christmas party, however, was then in Sabbavaram with the children instead of Shelter and Sabbavaram. The house and the room was decorated by the staff in Sabbavaram.
it was the morning of this celebration is a joint exhibition. For this we prepared candle in small bowls so that each could carry a light at the common feed to the fair. We sang for the show a couple of German and English songs and the kids a few songs in Telugu.
After Mass there was the Christmas party. We dressed up a Swiss Volunteer as Santa Claus. He came and distributed sweets to the children. Also danced Santa Claus, all children and staff.
After Santa left us again, each child received a small gift. Then, a nativity play has been executed, three dances and it was sung together.
task completion as it was a special lunch for all.
It was a very different but wonderful Christmas for me. I have soo much soo many to enjoy lesser celebrate this festival together.
As the boys are currently in the Shelter Sabbavaram in the Shelter and we have only two college boys, we decided on Sunday (27.12.09) in Sabbavaram with all the boys (100), a program to make. So we packed
Then on Sunday, the two college boys, and drove to Sabbavaram.
We rounded up all the children and told them that we had a treasure map that we wanted to bring them, but on the way men came and took us off the map. Since we want to give them but the treasure, they should help us map to get back.
First, we made a game about the children divided into 6 groups. Each group was given a color and each child a ribbon in the suit for the hand. Now we declared the morning program. Each group had to find a place and make this find a group name, make a flag and invent a short dance, dressed up two children in each group would need to be pirates be. At the end of the morning was checked by us, whether the tasks have been fulfilled.
In the afternoon we made then Gelaendespiel with them. Each group had hunters and smugglers. The smugglers had strips of material in a given field are looking for and then bring on the hunters over to their camp. The Jaeger they could catch it and remove the cloth strips. If a group had 5 strips of fabric, they could come to us and had a part to play, then got it for the strip of cloth treasure map section.
The game lasted about 45 minutes.
were then brought together and it was all stuck together the treasure map. The individual components were used by all groups. On the card then the treasure was located and the children studied and that he was then distributed to all.
The action was a huge success because for the children a great alternative to the program was habitual. With the help of the Brothers in Sabbavaram that everything was over and support us, it's all designed very quickly.
After that day I had soo much joy inside and I was so happy. I just love bright eyes.
Sun naja and now I am strengthened by these great experiences and excited to see what was coming towards me in the near term, because there are already many events.
I wish you all a happy new year and all the best for 2010.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Bible Verses About Underaged Drinking
Here you can get a few more videos of here!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ncgs4O6v8ng http://www.youtube.com/watch ? v = ABSqa_twmkk
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Computers With Integrated Bluetooth
is now past been a while since I've reported here and it's happened again a lot.
mid-November, I drove, Betty and Eli to Hyderabad, because there we had a meeting with two of youth a world. The best part of the whole campaign was that we meet the other youth a world Volos (Verena, Anna Sandra) met there. We spent a little time together in Hyderabad, we saw other projects and the city of Don Bosco in something. It did very well with the others to share experiences and thus reflect their own experiences.
The train ride to Hyderabad and back to it was the exhausting possible terms. Which lasted 13 hours. It was beautiful though, because we open the window (or even partially open door at) sat and drew the landscape past us, but sit 13 hours and do not have very much room ... But in this narrow train caused a lot of nice friends and conversations. As regards the way home, for example, an approximately 2 year old girl slept 2 hours on my lap because their parents have no seat have had and they were tired. But no problem here in India. When we arrived
back home was the joy of our children to see again very large. Well, and the joy that we now all Worksheets from the school that made the children in this time control, was allowed, of course cried rosss scorching, but was then made quickly. Then
has already started the Christmas season. Well that is so halt official. Here I have actually not noticed it. In order to conjure up some Christmas spirit we have in the Shelter for the boys hung an advent calendar. Every day the tower is a piece of the puzzle (from a picture that the children have painted), so in the end an image of the Holy Family formed. We take each day a name of a boy who can then stick this piece of the puzzle and gets a small gift. This shows really how fast time goes, tomorrow is already the last piece of the puzzle.
have to take care of Christmas spirit, we already crafted a few stars in the Shelter and hung up. Yes, and the big project that is now hopefully is completed, a homemade manger. We have been working for about 2 - 3 weeks every day in drawing it, and today it is situated. I will soon put a photo online, I save the writing.
As a Christmas gift for our boys, we thought we make beads animals, as Key ring, for them. Since we celebrate Sabbavaram and then there are all boys, so we have full motivation made 100 beads animals. We have brought together many different types and are very satisfied with the result.
is unfortunately not here in India celebrate Christmas with the Christ child, but with the Santa Claus. We took a Volunteer (a Swiss who is in Sabbavaram) chosen, that it may be this. Let's see how real the first Christmas with the Santa Claus is. Traderjob Christmas is celebrated here on 25, and not as with us on 24 Therefore, we will have school tomorrow, and only on 25 free. Longer we have not free because most of our students are Hindus and so do not celebrate Christmas. Our
Shelter from the boys but have been free, so you will today or tomorrow to go to Sabbavaram to spend the holidays. Since it will be with us much quieter and give little to do, but for the boys it's really great if they can go in the green paradise on vacation.
Aja still want a little adventure, I tell you briefly. A few weeks ago we got a little sister for a day (about 2 years). It has been brought over in the night by the police because it was after an event on the beach forgotten or left behind by their parents left them deliberately. The night she spent at our cook in the room. During the day she was then with us. We have also brought into the Shelter. The smallest guys have totally loved them and took care of it has equated the LP, so that they can play. In the evening they would be from our Father in a home for girls to be related. Since then, we unfortunately know nothing, but hope she's fine.
As far as the latest adventures of me.
I'm really looking forward to the times quite different Christmas (currently about 30 degrees)
Wish you all Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and all the best in the new year!
I think of you!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Removing Dog From Marble Floor
Although it is already very late and I should really sleep more, but I just need you more about this day report.
This listing is for me so far, the most difficult, because I report something terrible, but because I will not find the right words to describe what I have experienced and seen. It is not possible to report everything and to describe, but I want a bit more because you have to share, it is Sogut.
Our day started as normal today, just like a Sunday. After breakfast (9:00 clock), we asked the Father Noel (head of the province) whether we want to ride (the villages are very remote) for the tribals to visit. It is namely here today to visit a couple of Don Bosco projects. We were immediately hooked and went then eventually have to from 9:30. We have not really many things to do, because we leave tomorrow for 5 days to Hyderabad, but we left everything behind and lie.
We lead by our house going on with the jeep. Schoen slowly, we left the city and came to the suburbs. The area we know already. There are already many wooden huts. When we were already about 1 hour away from town, we went through absolute nature, but on a great street. Right and left, we saw again and again shepherds with their flocks, huts made of Palmenblaettern. We were really interested in this different way of life and hoped that we can really consider this a village that lives so different.
ride after about a half hour, we turned to the high road and drove off a small road. This way was much more cabins, always small villages, many shepherds and animals. People were washing their laundry in a river. Quite different from the life in the city. After about 2 hours ride we reached the village Nasripatnam. There are a few shops and it plays well there, from what. We drove to the Office of the Don Bosco projects. There we took a short break and then drove on. We were told that we will now look at projects in Doerfte nus. We were totally excited.
The area was like the last part of our trip vorrigen. So many cottages, small Doerfte again and again shepherds. min After approximately 45 minutes. Another trip we went by a somewhat larger settlement of huts. We were told that there is a Don Bosco project that we'll look at later.
was ahead of us now cried, green-mountain. We drove up this mountain, even in fact paved road. Right and left of us was absolutely untouched nature, palm trees, many different trees, animals (even once a monkey band) ... After about 15 minutes winding drive, we stopped and stopped at a village that is completely separated from the lower world, it seems at least. We were cordially received there, it was sung, we were given flower leis, welcomed many children and people who tried something Telugu speaking people and were happy to meet you. Sorry, had we have little time, and we could therefore only the project (a small house) visit and walk around but not in the village. So I had the feeling, as these people would be cut off completely Coming from the world.
after a while when we got into the Jeep it was said that we still another village to visit even further up the mountain to be. We drove further along the paved road. Eventually it ended and we turned into a road with a dirt floor. Right and left were large bushes, right and left of the jeep stripped everything, because the road was so narrow, to see not a man, confronted, and that we really only silence. Once we saw an abandoned house - we were told that this is a school from the state, but the teachers come only about 2 times a month, so come naturally, no more students. After some minutes
15th trip we saw before us a small village of huts. A crowd of people (I just think all the villagers) were waiting there already upon us, and Father Noel. We were warmly welcomed, we were shown the school (a small place that something is covered). We took lots of photos again, saying something to people. Then they led us up in their village. We walked past their huts and took place there. It was said a few words from one and other. Then it was said that the women of the village will show us a traditional dance. We were immediately invited to dance, so we moved with them arm in arm to the drum music in a circle. That was a real experience. Beautiful, simple, and much much unliberated community. I have such a feeling that the people are happy, there is also a large community and cohesion. Everyone knows everyone, they just live together and live together, not side by side. In addition, there are also the garments all colorful, multi-colored ... really colorful. People live there without electricity, internet, water pipe, really easy with nature. I've never seen that it was so quiet in one place. The only sound was really the chirping of the birds. There the people live with nature, in nature.
This village has brought me much to think about. Somehow it shows me that the people there and happy life, although they have no luxury, and I wonder if they if they get richer, or would not be so secluded life, not just happy or left would be even less.
But it's not all good there. I believe the work and life is very stressful and often difficult, because water is scarce or even food. Another problem there is the alcohol they produce themselves. We also learned that they sometimes marry their children very soon. The Fathers regarding how they try though, but it is very difficult. A Father told us that vorkurzem a 15 year old girl died from the village at the birth of her child. Your husband is just 18 years old. The people of there are simply not prepared to take advantage of the opportunity to call a doctor or go to the hospital. They are so overworked and do not want it because it is alien for them.
We have stayed in the village a very nice time, but unfortunately too short because we had to leave for another project. Aja we were told that the road is a project even further. Real surprise, I'm really here can be nothing, but apparently so.
We drove back a narrow path on to another village. This was bigger and bigger again closer to a village, a little musty, it has been called as a volleyball court and get a well for water. Round to this village were called out scorching rosse is green. We saw many children playing on the surfaces. You have truly natural atmosphere with games.
After we were short there, we drove back down the mountain to the other project in which we had already passed. The road was downhill value very exhausting because the air was cold, we went many many curves and also left behind a lot of altitude. On the way we saw here again shepherds with their flocks. There is also always children who are traveling with animals. Once we have a few kids that are around the age of 2-6, seen fetching water from the well. As soon they will have to have help at home.
So when we came in in the village Underneath the mountain, we were welcomed there as well, it was sung, we looked at the project and doing some talks. Unfortunately, it was very late so we took some time to look around the village. But talk alone with the people already living in these huts, which are known only from pictures, is already a great experience.
We then drove back to the office and after a pause, it again went back to the city. The first path leads back over the many huts. Everything was dark because there are hardly any lighting.
Eventually I saw the lights already receive light from the city. When we were at the first red light next to me and the lighting of a wedding hall flashed down, I realized that we are now again in a different part of India are.
I can not say what I like better, I can not say which is better for the people, I would not even know what the goal when I wanted to help people. Is it better to bring all to the city, her life in the country is better?
Many questions and thoughts after such a dive in one day. I can not find the answer, so I put off my the fact that it is not in my hands to decide this, and it also probably is no clear answer.
After that day I met a whole other kind of life, plays a lot in terms of recruitment, priorities, luxury and future goals, and - ideas.
It's nice to know something. Sometimes I am a tourist filled and partly just as I would make friends with whom I dance and entertain me a little.
I hope I can visit again to another village, perhaps even a bit more time left to be able to follow the daily routine. But I'm grateful that I could now see that life.
Maybe it your one or the other even to think. I believe it is in this respect is not important to change their own lifestyle, but perhaps just to live consciously and to see things.
So I'm really happy and looking forward to tomorrow now. Since it's off to Hyderabad in the capital of our state (about as many inhabitants as the whole of Austria has). This is after today certainly a huge change, but we'm looking forward very much because we are visited by two of our organization and I also meet the other three Volontaerinnen which are also a world of youth in India.
Today something thoughtful, but very nice greetings to my home and all the other parts of the world!
PS: Photos are unfortunately only later follow
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Best Antiperspirant No White Marks
So now it is wiedermal at the time that I report what it is going with me.
The chaos with the staff has increased but then something else, because there which have gone or will go, but now everything has so far leveled off so well.
In school, we now have a new teacher who is really very good and nice. So hopefully it time returns again to rest. The school is currently also something more students, or students will hold a regular basis and not just when it's that easy. This is also very important for teaching, because I have to repeat the substance is constantly new. But in a school like it's just in our way that are always new students, which is also good. So everything goes ahead anyway, not so fast. In English I
've been through with my students to the weather and sentences formed. Two weeks after we started with the theme, we can say for the first time
"Today it is cloudy and rainy and windy! Yes what the big successes would not the small ones.
From today on, our schedule changed again slightly. It is good because we can now inform the 2nd and 3rd class separately voneinader. But we are allowed nurmehr 3 units and 4 no longer teach. The exact reason we have unfortunately not be able to be heard, but somehow, because otherwise it will remain too little time for other subjects. Even if we are so motivated, we have to accept it and can not change it legally.
currently plays the crazy weather here anyway. Today, for example, it is extremely hot, a few days ago it was a bit cloudy, cold and it rained last week It was very hot. So a constantly changing, which is the very health to the test. But apart from a slight chill, which also is already over, I'm fine with it. Somehow, I can not imagine that home is all cold and it might even snow. This idea is really far away for me. For me is not that also true of November and also I'm curious if I will ever get into the Christmas spirit. But we'll see.
The Shelter is it time again peace has returned. I currently do not like that because 20 boys from the project in Sabbavaram in our shelter, because they train for a tournament. This course is a lot more life in the Shelter. Since these guys the time (ie now 1-2 weeks) does not go to school, they are always in the afternoon in the Drawing class in the Shelter. For us and for them it is of course a good Moeglichtkeit because they have thus Drawing times and also we are building a bit more respect to them as well. I try to present the names of them to learn. In the Shelter and at school I remember at first I thought I'll never be the names and now they are all of course. But now learn the new names I can think only of how difficult it is in its infancy.
The boys always go to the outdoor games. Meanwhile, in the station where we always go, a place was cleared for us, so we can play in a field. Is Although very rough, but the boys have the space and also e si a bit in the green.
I enjoy the games very accessible. At first, I usually walk with one or more boys 1-2 laps in the stadium. Then we play football or volleyball. Just a nice carefree time together. Even the 20 minute walk to the stadium and back again is very nice, because upfront here always talks nice, me or the children learn words or songs or we simply herumbloedeln.
Aprobo ... I'm kind of very excited as the Telugu get under way. When writing, we have already learned about 40 signs, which is schonmal a start. We also can write to this already some words and also read something. Meanwhile We already talk to the people at our school. If somehow a funny experience because they can only very little English and we even fewer Telugu, but always from resulting various talks. What
for me on the way home from school is always amazing, is that people live in small houses and really just live, but they ask, or ask us every day that we should eat but sometimes come, or they give us any vegetables to taste. Although they have to look likely that they have to eat every day what they want to share with us too.
The kids at school every day to give us candy or cookies. A little girl, for example, had vorkurzem Kugerl so special to eat and was extremely happy, but she has shared with us anyway, they share more real. The children in the Shelter always share with us. Some of them even say out of modesty, no, if I want to share my candy with them, for example. Real surprisingly, the children have so little, but they share despite. wonderful to see!
A large, but pleasing alteration was on Saturday. A volunteer (Eli) from Switzerland came to us. We got a third bed in our room (did not believe that there is still one place). She will stay for three months. Starting today they will teach in the school. Initially the idea was a bit strange, as if there is someone that is. But now It comes before us, as if it had ever since. She also speaks German and three of us are just a super great team. So really a real asset to us and the boys.
As far as the latest from me. If you can not read it out, I will mention yet that I am very very happy. I feel that I am at the right place and also I am very satisfied with my job.
Many satisfied greetings
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Stores Like Urban Outfitters Bedding
Having just lost my blog entry somewhere in the world of technology, I'll write it again now.
While it is still far from that I last wrote, but it has again each Lot done.
The school is currently unfortunately haywire. A teacher is somehow no longer in school, he's probably looking for another job. He had the kids very well under control. For us, it is unfortunately very difficult because the language barrier is a big obstacle on the one hand, but we also see the children often to play with what I prefer anyway. But we are always calm reinzubekommen, even if my voice is suffering somewhat lower.
It is with us in school just normal for me during the hour wiedermal turn my lap and the students back hole again, after using the toilet (a rock near the beach) have not come back to class, but be in a different class and gossip or even out just a bit short to play with other children. But somehow I get it again and again that children learn what to bring most of the Hausuebung and we get some progress with the substance. We try
beautiful but slow a bit to our fellow teachers to make clear that there are other ways to beat off and cry. Some children are so namely no longer in school. But in this area I am very confident.
In the Shelter, a lot has changed. An employee who was on the day the children and was a really good person, has unfortunately canceled. Another employee was fired. He was day and night for the children and she is the main caregiver, just a big brother. These changes are very difficult for the boys, as well as for me. When the fired employees
adopted by the children at the sports ground was moving back a very depressed mood. I've talked to a guy and he suddenly said to me that we run away he tomorrow. I was shocked about it because I had not counted on, because he is very balanced and satisfied. I'm then asked again and he said that it was just a joke. This he assured me several times. The next day I learned that he ran away. For me, this is not easy to understand and cope. I've known all along that such situations will come to me, especially when I found out that the employee has to go, I realized that kids will run away, but now it's just a lot and difficult. I hope that at some point I'm getting used to the fact that children run away, but do not know if you can get used to it at all.
From this great confusion that exists here for a bit of time I just try to make the best. I find it important for children to be there both in school and in shelters.
addition to these sometimes difficult issues I India to the fullest. Today I went to two different markets with loads of fruit and vegetables, as in the film, we were still colorful fabrics for new clothes now, hang on my feet Kettle, now we have the Koech inside our hands and feet with henna painted on my forehead pecks always Bodlu I enjoy the trade with the Outokumpu rickshaw drivers (we have already the cold shoulder on it, if they ask too much, we just go .... then give them mostly after), I always eat with your fingers, it's cool when it is below 30 degrees ........ everything Indian ...... and wonderfully so!
Certainly I go things from Austria did, but I enjoy it so much that life in India because it is simply very different and much to discover to marvel and gives.
me too all the best and send you some wishes for the Indian sun rays heat!
Best Hdmi Solution With Non Hdmi Reveiver
We did it and video online.
a great song:
my absolute favorite song with my Lieblingstaenzern:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v = yaDcfQEPEp0 & feature = channel
the Diwali celebration:
a ride on the Outo:
http://www.youtube.com/ watch? v = yaDcfQEPEp0 & feature = channel
the games and dancing:
Enjoy the movie !!!!!!!!!!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Why Men Grow Pinky Nail
Unbelievable but true ... I am already more than a month in India and have taught for 3 weeks now blossom in the Beach school.
Teaching is really very hard mostly because the children are not accustomed to so much as listening, sitting quietly, but do not know also that they should learn and are not supported by their parents in which so much. These are all circumstances that make my job not easy, but if I had wanted it to be easy, it would be I was not here. In principle, it makes me great fun to teach because the children always get me to surprise and small successes such importance. Currently, there is such that only 4 students in the fourth grade (math), because many just do not come back to school. That sounds like a lot of rest, but it is not because they are all very much alive and is now also at the level of these four very different. In the second and third class (English) mostly up to 15 students are here. Some come regularly beat, but unfortunately there are students who come once a week or so. Since then it is a big challenge to bring them to the same level, but it's all somehow. The daily
School every day is a great adventure. We take a crowded bus to school. (On the bus or sit in front of women, we are usually behind and only the men are.) From the bus stop we go about 10 minutes to school. This path is initially desedimentation a bigger road, then we turn but in a way where a right and left houses and cabins are also partially. We are always welcomed by all sides. Some children ran up and approached us and greet us with a few English sentences they koennen.Dieser way is really simple and also the Indian, where I wanted. At this school we meet again and again of course students, which we then try to persuade even partially, that they return to school.
home we go back the same way and then go home by bus. Because the bus stop is about 10 minutes walk from our house away, can we drive past the bus driver here, but almost always get us here. The funny thing is that we have to say what nurmehr rare, because they let us off automatically when we are on the bus.
The Shelter is now back everyday routine, because the children now go back to school. We now have every day for half an hour Telugulesson. Unfortunately, it is very difficult and it is vorran slowly. Then we always do in Shelter Sign / Craft hour. The children are really very talented in part, but as things we abstract art, or simply Experiments is very difficult for them because they always expect a product, but this is on art is not always necessary. Schoen slowly we are able to convince some of them.
Also in the school in drawing classes, we have to take away the children of the ruler, because they paint everything so real. And if not that, then they are characterized by what we write or where it breaks off. Again, we try to tease out the creativity in some way.
We have now also started to play in the school that we sometimes play with them, but if we do that then by all pupils (about 30-40, but that should be 50 or 60). The idea behind this is that the children receive suggestions for new games, but also that they might be motivated for that reason to go to school.
The language barrier that we have everywhere here, I'm the importance of looks somehow rediscovered. The non-verbal language is something very fascinating and is everywhere in the world equal.
Our children in the Shelter are currently paused only to speak English, so they learn it better. Is very funny when they suddenly get some instructions bsw jobs from the staff in English, because we then shrink again and again because we understand it. The children are also making some fun, but it is very difficult and it still mainly speak Telugu. It is for them but certainly a good training that we only speak English and they are to see ourselves simply somehow and respond with a few words. But sometimes I long to have it, just talk with them well in one language or to take to be able to follow their conversations with each other. There
Every second Saturday at the Beach blossom Competation a school, school, shelter and training center (where young people learn sewing or computer work). Last month was singing groups and individual dance. This month's group dance competition. For us the very best because we love the dancing of the Indian children. Especially in the movies. We have already learned about the half of a dance. Unfortunately, we have absolutely not the expression or the skill as children, but we have Enjoy it when we dance along a bit. Hopefully I can show you something at home then, if we might learn in the year the dance finished.
We at Competition have made a few videos, from left, we can soon make what times online, but it takes all this time.
the afternoon we go with the boys from the shelter are on a sports field, since we do not have their own. There is then usually played football, which I am of course very much. We are often the only female on the sports field. Even the dress, especially the scarf is not ideal to do sports, although it is very nice otherwise. As women we seem to sport in India not so together, it is for the boys wonder if I told you at the football sometimes take away the ball and run it because they do not expect it.
The basis between us and the lads will be more and more friendship. I feel very comfortable in the Shelter, it is simply a place where I go you.
But generally I feel very comfortable here. The weather is now very pleasant, even if sometimes very hot days, but the sweat and the heat did I am used to very good. Schoen is slowly kind of a routine and my life here has been a certain day.
Ichfreue me very much that you read my blog and am always feedback and suggestions about news from my home.
love Many Greetings from the haphazard India!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Install Car Starter Syracuse
Hey everybody!!
For me of course always a lot going on here. On Sunday, the children who were in Sabbavaram, come back again and were uebergluecklich because there was announced just pure nature and a lot of sport. Schoen slowly come again the children were at home again back in shelters, because tomorrow starts the school, of course, for me. Today was a firmly namely, that the children were now 10 days off, we are in blossom Beach school, but only today. On Wednesday, it announced exams with us. Indeed, there is every 28th month examination in each subject in our school. (this time for the 30th festival and 29 apparently not all children come to school because vacation was.)
It's nice to see once the other side of teaching, namely that of the teacher. I tremble sometimes even real, whether they create the exam well. Tomorrow is practicing again announced strong.
The teaching I actually very good, but it is sometimes very difficult because the children are very often unfocused and is also the language it is also partly a problem. But by and large it will bring the children ultimately much that we always speak English with them.
On Friday I was Telugu, Exam. "Wrote one of my staff together a few words and I learned. It works fine, but is really difficult and I can only a few short phrases, and the children it's great fun and I learn a little something.
The weather is crazy now. It's time for the rainy season and today we remember, is absolutely right. were as Bettie and I today 1 min from the house, it has to pour begonnne afraid we have provided below and find out but then walked into the shelter. Later when we went Back, it started raining again for the course. When we were in our house, it has again aufgehoert. Somehow crazy. Two days ago it was at the NM again very hot and the sun is strong gescheint.
What follows naturally from the chaos of weather, many of the children are caught cold or have a slight fever, and I a little. But nothing bad, just a slight chill, but the children give me so much power that all this is not a problem.
with the children is always handle the loose and they go very easy on us to remember that they play with us, run around, joking, but can also speak.
I was now a bit longer.
India is beautiful, fit people nice, good food, my duties, the dress comfortably beat (tomorrow we get tailored things from cotton, so we have no problems with the skin), with Betty, it's really very nice because We do all impressions together, same view and have a lot of fun and really gossip much.
I wish you all the best!
I think of you!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Jenna Haze Star Shirt
is now already a lot going on here in India.
On Monday (yesterday) we were the first time in school, but only two hours. I taught the 3rd Class in English.
Today we were three hours in the school. As of now I have the 2nd and 3 together in English that is very exciting to them to learn English because I do not speak Telugu, so we communicate only over English. But with word fragments and sign language all goes well. Besides I have the 4th Class in mathematics. I've discovered today that they have a much higher level than expected, so I have my some things look exactly how they learn it in India, for example because the division is different than ours. The 4th Graders understand almost all reasonably good English. Every day I make and Betti numbers or even Craft-hour. Here we have 2, 3, 4, 6 class, but always different combinations.
The kids are really nice, but terribly alive. It is very funny when I explain what and no one understands and knows how suddenly have a child, it all says in one sentence in Telugu and all understand it. But good ...
The Shelter is currently very quiet, which is only 4 big boys here. The other children are currently in Sabbavaram, in another project that a large Riessen has play area, palms, place, etc.. So on Monday when we came into the shelter, all the boys were there with a backpack and told us that they go on vacation. We were shocked briefly, but then of course we are happy for them.
Some children were on Saturday for 10 days (vacation) home to their parents. The eyes of the children shone really, the other kids were of course all the more sad, is also understandable.
So my normal daily routine: go
getting up 7:30 Breakfast 8:00
school (by bus) 8:45
13.00 Lunch 15:00
arts and crafts with the boys from the Shelter
. 16:00 we are in the shelter and play with the Guys, prepare things and go with the outdoor games
20.00 Dinner and then we prepare for yet mostly from the school.
normally so this is my daily routine, but in India is just always a lot different than you expected, but that's just so exciting.
A few funny experiences BZE. Things that are different to Austria
. The second time we went by bus, we have the same Ticketverkaeufer asked why we are only two and not three (because last year there were three volos from Austria). We have seen this man ever, and he already knows us, knows where we are, what we do, etc. ..
. in India are bought by piece and there is no note to explain this
. where if a construction site, the road sides are separated in the middle (similar to a motorway), then may be that the road is suddenly and you just come from driving a piece on the other side, but no traffic signs.
. at a crosswalk in the center is in a police officer with box and microphone and says that people across the zebra crossing the road to.
. been made at a railway gates, all vehicles go forward so that the entire street is filled ... But somehow it out but that the oncoming traffic still comes over later
. the traffic light has a Countdown for how long is green or red, the latest on all three cars go.
. the computer from where I'm sitting is packed with plastic, because otherwise everything would be so dirty.
. The most important rule: be careful what you have to three things: animals, women, children
So I am now arrived at a very in India, so read I've you have written a few things I noticed, because is slow beautiful it all normal and in later than one month, I'll no longer wonder about it.
fits with the health of me all have no problems. Otherwise I'm
with my duties very satisfied. Sure, it's exhausting and not always easy, but it was aware of.
I am currently learning the Telugu. I can already write the letters A-I. Sounds good, but it is not because the words do not write to letters, but often summarized into a label and the syllables. I'm learning to speak and AZ times a bit and then see what time will come. I prefer to have a little idea.
So I am doing great and I'm happy with the culture, lifestyle (eat with your fingers .... :-)) and especially with my job.
far as I am of a brief report. I would like to tell so much, but then I would have to write every day for an hour.
I will soon put new photos up, you'll get further in.
Kind regards
PS: Today was something special when we went out on NM from our house. It has geregnt :-). The fresh air and the few drops of rain are very pleasant. But I'm getting used to sweating even at slow all the time.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Expiration Dates On Clonazepam
Today there is much to report wiedermal interesting and exciting. It is very exciting and is always more to discover many new things. Unfortunately, by the excitement of sleep suffer somewhat, because I dream a lot of weird stuff and this restless sleep. But it surprises me again and again how much I still have power.
before yesterday (Tuesday) as we have done throughout the day as already eraehnt program.
We sure have the text of all my ducks in English spoken language or rewritten in the form:
R-le myne anthen
Shivman owf dam say
Shivman owf dam say
Caph-hen oontars vrssr
Shranzhen in dee hey
this text in English, then come out the right one. Some children who can read, have you read the text properly. We have them but also learned to sing by.
Yesterday morning we washed the first time our laundry by hand. Actually went quite well.
Then in the afternoon we have the Case Studies translated from English and German. These are the stories of children, about their family background, why they are there suw. Some real stories that are real bad. But we must simply remember that the Pitiful does not help, but we now want the children well and Benefactor moechlichst them make a good time trying.
Today we translate are finished with that.
The children have the time every day for 10 days, exams, so they get almost all the time, so we have to do in Shelter initially little. But around e are plenty simmer. They also have 10 days vacation, where it then the fun begins for us.
Yesterday was the first birthday party in the Shelter. We have made these cards with the months and placed in a circle. Then a poster of "Happy Birthday" and the child's name placed in the center. At the beginning we asked the boy how old he is today. But, as we feared he did not know his age, but luckily we had looked forward to the list.
We learned that this is his first birthday celebration. You can not imagine how he smiled and has blasted. He was so happy and delighted insane.
Betti and I have the song "now it can rain" rewritten in English and learned the boy. After that we sang together Happy Birthday. Moreover, it was given a sweet and each child has congratulated. The boy has blasted all the time.
For me a beautiful and bestraerkendes experience.
Brother Kalyan, which is currently at our shelter, and always eat with us goes, unfortunately, tomorrow back to Italy. He helped us a lot about the culture, the land, know the city. For example, he has taken us already on his moped. I + Betty + Kalyan on the scooter yesterday and even then two bags and a guitar to it (all putting their worries-that's India ... Here some sit three adults and even 2 children on a moped or someone transported 5 large Gas storage holders).
Saturday is Father Sojan, the project manager Back then to Vizag. We are curious if we will get to know him. It's also good when it comes, because we finally know which room, which functions exactly, then we get keys, etc. Currently, some things are still very unklarm, but it will be all right.
simmer with the children it is very fun and we learn quite well the names but some of them are really very difficult.
Our Telugu is already a bit overboard not ok, we can limit the number to 10 and a few phrases, but the kids are proud of us. Physiologically it is
it very much. All asthma, digestive, climate change ... complaints were fortunately far from even.
The only thing not so pleasant, is sweating all the time. It's so hot, so about 30 degrees at least. The Brusche sometimes run around with long jeans because they're used to and we ... .. Well get used we sweat, but for us it nice and slow.
There would still be much to tell, so many stories, impressions ... but a lot can not put into words easily.
far as I know where everything fits at home. I am always happy about news from my home and the latest news.
As you heraushoert hope that this is what I wanted to make happy, and I enjoy it. It's still not really happening, but the first activities were really successful, have fun and make you wanting more.
Fits all good care of yourselves! I think of you!
your Martina
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Watch Family Guy On The Iphone
Unfortunately I only very short time to write. But I just know that I still get a little bit longer, so good ...
We are now mittlerwleile since Friday evening, arriving after 13 hours by train, in Vishakapatnam (Vizag). It is in the state of Andra Pradesh.
The project manager of this is currently not here, so we have a lot eingewoehnungsphase. We also sleep in another house and are soon left the shelter, where we more often then the computer can bennuetzen. At the moment, unfortunately skpyen not possible, because we can no longer outside the home in the evening and in our house just is not a PC.
Vizag is a very big city, Vienna most of the residents about how. But only the zwitgroesste town in Andhra Pradesh. Hyderabad is the largest with about as many inhabitants as the whole of Austria.
In Vizag dirt everywhere, because firstly, it is garbage everywhere, but especially the second one is because Riessen coal and steel plants in the vicinity and the whole city with dirt covers. Meien feet are in the coal-black, but the is normal.
might sound funny, but Vizag is a beautiful city with beautiful squares, we were even on the beach.
Traffic is very different in Austria. The cars go anywhere. There is in the middle blocking lines, but these are guidelines only. The honking cars and always stay very very very very rare. Before curves is honked when they took over, when are women, children or pets on the road (it is here just along the road and cars between). On some vehicles even please use the horn. On the street you walk slowly, and the vehicles front and back over and you can slowly crosses the street, because if we would wait until a car comes, would be necessary to wait approximately one year.
The weather is currently cloudy at times, then it is only warm, but for example today is back for my whole wet but that's ok and gewoehnungssache.
The boys in the project are really great to have fun in everything we do and go at us. Few speak English a little better, most of telugu only, but what we have hands feet and head.
on Yesterday evening at about 19 clock we have learned that the boys have the day off and we should do all day program .. Thats India. But it was not a problem for us. We did play in such groups to fashion shows, building bridges ball games, dance, limbo and was the best ..... each group had to add a line to learn from all of my ducks. The video of which we will soon be time to make internet. It's really funny, but they did it perfectly.
then was still a Awards ceremony.
Yesterday we got the beach school, will be teaching in which we visit. The children immediately ran over to us. As everywhere in India. Everyone greets us, staring at us, the children running after us. Getting used to, but ok and kind of funny.
also were we get at the fish market or the harp, where Riessen fishing boats with a plethora of fish and they are sold. The rumors ... phew ....
Sun and even to me. I am doing great, really good. Have absolutely no health problems. Also do not homesick or anything, am really motivated and enjoy the country, people live it. Schoen slowly I begin to india love yu. It's so beautiful here, I am which points really, which I have already grown to love and I am very happy that I have dared this step.
Thanks for the mail I received. I am very happy about it. Currently is missing the time to write back.
Thanks for the great support of you all.
I'm fine, hopefully you too.
All the best
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Where Can I Buy Japanese Purses
We are now after the 17 hour trip and after a half hour wait at the airport, arrived in Hyderabad. Have you 7 hours of sleep, tea, biscuits, tour and shower (with buckets because of the shower valve does not work) behind us.
Have some of the Indian cultural experience, but it will still get a lot for us. An Indian said to us: "In India there are more rules broken than kept" and yes it is, considering for example the road. But that's just so exciting to India.
morning you with a 12 - hour drive to get off the train (we can not, because some are a bit brutal, because yesterday a major politician has died and they are pending, but the train sure everything will be ok, they have said ) to Vishakapatnam to our project.
From there I will certainly call again!
All the best to nice greets
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
What Does Strep Throat Look Like On A Slide
Hey everybody!
Betty and I are now ind have been about 4 hours at London, but enjoy the Zeitmit talks and to realize something what to expect and that our big dream is now real time!
Big THANK YOU to everyone for me lately were there. I will think of you.
Much love
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Gears For A Hot Wheels Gas Powered Go Kart
Hey guys!
Today is an important conclusion of my preparations have been the exit interview. We still have the last major contracts, insurance, etc. signed.
There is a small change has occurred.
I will now only on 2 September AUSREISSEN !!!!!!!!!!!!
But we still have the great flight of 8 clock in the morning.
were the way Betty and I get today in Vienna the second last vaccination, and then next week is the last vaccination, and we get the visa. And then it can go so right off. Then we are really clear and star forward to India!
Unless walk me very well, the nervousness is pretty slow, but weighs about the anticipation. your
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Ntldr Is Missing On Macbook?
Sun now there are new appointments, which have now been fixed. On 14
August, George and I make our farewell party on 16 August will be in a church our farewell show.
I am looking forward to her many appear!!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
What Is The Life Span Og Hiv
Now I've learned my departure date.
I fly on 1 September from Vienna via London to Hyderabad.
There are still a lot to erledingen until then, but I'm full of anticipation and look forward to when Betty and I are sitting at length in the plane.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
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wood fiber insulation are mainly from local wood residue and thinning as well as from waste produced during the wood processing industry produced.
in the production of insulating material, the wood under pressure and heat disintegrated and then pressed into sheets. Noteworthy is that take the material contained in the main function of a binder resin, there are no extra materials are used. ensure
qualify for protection from the weather, the wood fiber insulation boards are equipped with a layer of bitumen, which, however, in case of fire, a possible source of exposure can represent.
wood fiber insulation are available to bond with water glass, this glass of water while delivering the wood and fire protection. Water glass contains no harmful substances, such sheets can be easily treated to be recycled. They are mildew and compostable.
extends the use of wood fiber insulation to insulation boards in the development of sound insulation panels to the floor area. Because of their structural and physical properties of wood fiber insulations are ideally suited for permeable construction methods.
Building physical and economic data
density | 400 kg / m³ |
Baustoffklasse | B 1 |
thermal conductivity l R | 0.09 W / (mK) |
water vapor diffusion resistance factor m | 2 - 5 |
material price for 10 cm | about 50, - DM / m² |
material price to achieve a k-value of 0.4 W / (m² K) | about 110, - DM / m² |
outer wall | thermal insulation constructions |
roof | under rafter - Insulation |
massive ceiling | - |
perimeter insulation | - |
wall / ceiling with lightweight construction | planking of lightweight walls |
| ||
| | |
| | source: enius.de |
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The raw material for cotton insulation are cotton fibers, the improvement of performance in case of fire (class B2 and B1 to DIN 4102) and for resistance be treated against mildew and pest infestation with borate compounds. Cotton insulation materials have good heat and sound insulation properties, they are rot-proof and can even be composted as a function of the boron compounds used.
Commercial insulating mats, in addition to sound-deaden and also bulk and so-called Dämmzöpfe available, which are all distinguished by easy processing properties. Cotton can be used in wood frame exterior walls as insulation between the rafters, bearing insulation on the suspended ceiling systems, insulation of lightweight partition walls, sound insulation, cavity insulation of partition ceilings, floor-interior-side external wall cladding and wall insulation.
The physical properties of cotton fibers, such as moisture management, and diffusion capabilities, the indoor environment is positively influenced.
are as raw, untreated chemical and pesticide residues examined cotton fibers used are cotton fiber insulation classified as biologically and ecologically advisable.
Building physical and economic data
density 20-60 kg / m 3 | |
Baustoffklasse | B 1 or B 2 |
thermal conductivity l R | 0.04 W / (mK) |
water vapor diffusion resistance factor m | 1-2 |
material price for 10 cm | about 30, - DM / m² |
material price to achieve a k value of 0.4 W / (m² K) | about 30, - DM / m² |
outer wall | infill of timber stands |
roof | insulation between rafters |
solid ceiling | - |
perimeter insulation | - |
wall / ceiling with lightweight construction | infill of uprights and beams |
source: enius.de
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The term "insulation" in principle to distinguish between sound insulation sound insulation.
The airborne noise, for example the noise from the apartment next door, for example, voices and music. In many cases, the sound made by sound-reflecting obstacles, just through a wall or panel, or even a curtain. Especially for the separation of housing and outer walls but may require special measures. Concrete walls generally produce a good, adequate sound insulation. Wall panels in contrast, must be a multi-layer structure or a suitable intermediate layers (eg pulp) made sound-absorbing. For exterior walls, various interruptions of the wall structure, such as roller shutters, window, radiator niches degrade the sound insulation of the wall. This must sound here byways can only be avoided by well-executed designs. In
sound insulation to reduce the transmission of impact sound is understood, for example, when walking on a ceiling or the chair back is generated - the rumble is always lying about the apartment. The impact sound insulation is achieved by the blanket and a elastically resilient intermediate layer under the Gehbelag. This is often extruded polystyrene rigid foams are used.
The sound insulation in private housing is free. For multi-party buildings the sound insulation according to DIN 4109 geregelt.quelle: enius.de
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Infiniti G37 Vs. Bmw 325xi
Kalzip standing seam and profiled dress sheets are available as standard in a stucco embossed finish that is achieved by processing the natural Mühlendematerial by embossing rollers. This provides a surface that scatters the light reflectance and glare reduction.
Because aluminum is durable and durable, it provides excellent service as a roofing material or clothing without the need for any protective covering.
after prolonged exposure to the elements, reflecting the dull Surface of the template in a high degree of aluminum down to a constant patina execution and changes in appearance are constant along any lift.
The weathering effect is (above) illustrates the City of Manchester Stadium, England very well. Within just 12 months of the original roof had dampened down. Once the new North Stand was appropriate, he also began to lose much of its high reflectivity and toned down to the original material Kalzip together.
source: archiexpo.de
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There are many occasions where a Kalzip requires roof system, increased acoustic be. Some buildings, due to their position (eg close to an airport or a busy city center) to prevent excessive external noise, while others require for internal use or process (eg concert hall, engine test facility, etc.) that the internal noise is included. A contributing factor is mainly to reduce the ability of a roof system, the effect of the scattered sound, the total mass of the system. Other factors include isolation and localization.
Kalzip systems able to accommodate a variety of acoustic performance requirements by incorporating other layers such as high-density insulation, acoustic boards and flexible membranes to provide increased noise reduction performance available and will be amended by the perforation of the film to provide improved performance of sound absorption.
Kalzip acoustic board is a high density cement particle board that can easily be incorporated into a Kalzip system to increase the mass and after the noise reduction properties of the system drastically.
Kalzip acoustic membrane is a high-density rubber-Polyäthylenton Schrankeenmembrane that can be easily incorporated into the system and to increase the mass and improve the sound reduction properties afterwards. The acoustic diaphragm Kalzip is usually used in conjunction with the Kalzip acoustic board and may act as an insulator between the boards and the more acoustic performance erhöhen.quelle: archiexpo.de
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Kalzip insulation products conserve energy through their use by the reduce requirement to cool to heat the building or, limiting CO2 emissions. They are also free HCFC and HFC and have a possible assessment of the global (GWP) of less than five warming
The most common insulation used is a Steppdeckeart, non-hygroscopic material that absorbs no moisture, but they just keep on the surface to take place of its fibers, thus stimulating the evaporation.
The use of a compressed insulation, completely filling the roof, which is empty of the vapor control layer, together with the breathability of the Kalzip sheet lined negates the need for a Entlüftermembranenmaterial Kalzip within the system.
Kalzips range of insulation products include glass fiber and rock quilt, flexible and high-density disk drive. At the heart of the range are Kalzip isolation plus 35 and plus 37, the mineral wool quilts are high performance, offering high-performance thermal performance.
To further complete the route, are glass and rock fiber insulant present requested a wide variety of thermal performance values together with the flexibility of use in offering the additional acoustic performance wird.quelle: archiexpo.de
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In Germany, the sound insulation of windows is divided into noise control classes. The allocation of soundproofing to the rated classes sound reduction and examples of the glazing in the following table:
To calculate the required sound transmission loss of windows is also the appropriate rules to be observed. Depending on the application it comes with the same Immissionsverhältnissen significant differences. Based on a busy road through the design of the window was measured at different sets of rules (source Bavarian State Office for Environmental Protection). In the graph the required sound protection class of the window for a bedroom for different distances (different mean level) of the immission is shown from the middle of the road.
The highest noise control classes are made according to the DIN 4109 [Interior level 25 dB (A)]. According to calculations by the 24th BImSchV are the sound insulation classes sometimes lower by 2 classes, to be adopted as the internal level (upper Reference value) at 30 dB (A).
sound insulation class of windows in different regimes
source: fenster1.de
Friday, January 16, 2009
Wedding Cake Toppers With Shrek And Fiona
also suffers Financing: If you decide at first for an insulation, a lower cost saving results as by installing a heat pump would be possible. This also restricts the financial means and with rising oil and gas costs are the positive effects mostly disappeared quickly. You finance a geothermal heating system, however, a KfW loan with a maturity of 20 years, so can the debt service paid from the savings. This is at a Insulation measure due to the reduced efficiency was not possible.
These considerations should not contradict the meaning of the demand reduction, but also show that the order should be chosen with care of the remedial measures to economically handeln.quelle: Stoltenberg-energie.de
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you decide for insulation instead of a heat pump, so you are also deprived of much more important than the effects of primary energy savings: cost of stability and energy independence. An insulation reduces the heat requirement, the conventional heating system persists, however. This results continue Emissions, maintenance and chimney sweeps are considered and, ultimately, rising oil and gas prices continue to go fully into account the cost of heating. If the effect of reducing demand when prices are rising already repealed the medium term, the heat pump would continue to ¾ of the heat demand by providing free geothermal energy available. It is this relationship to the stability and independence leads to heating (a 10% increase in electricity tariff charged only for ¼ the cost of heating processes, but the heating costs also rise by only 2.5%) is.
Often it is also argued that investment costs for a first right, after subsequent implementation of insulation measures, however, make large geothermal heating, such a procedure uneconomical. One example is a 200 m2 house, built in the eighties used, which would be supplied by a 15kW heat pump with borehole 225 meters. This would require about 30,000 €. If one now an insulation from unraveling and reduces energy consumption by 20%, could be enough of a heat pump with 12 kW and 180 meters of ground probes. This facility would, however, still an investment of € 27,000 required, so that ultimately € 3,000 could have been avoided. In this case you forget, however, that after the insulation, geothermal heat is more widely available and reduce electricity costs disproportionately for the heat pump to reduce demand. The pay of "excessive" heat pump system would therefore only have a disproportionate erhöhen.quelle the payback period: Stoltenberg-energie.de
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addition to profitability also the existing buildings often limit remedial measures so that the range of technically feasible insulation options , is reduced to a manageable level. Ultimately, there are often only the filling of the voids between masonry and brick, new windows and roof insulation. This should be considered in principle that the windows remain always the coldest place in the wall, otherwise the risk damp walls. The replacement of windows as a single remediation approach is therefore to be regarded as problematic, so that a clean-up are again limited to roof and walls or carried out in combination with the renewal of the windows must.
Plant is an expensive thermal insulation, which has in economic terms, the highest payback period, it has to be physically so that no damage is caused by moisture. To ensure this later, in winter the regular airing of the daily requirement. Install a ventilation system with heat recovery is not necessary to this course. In addition to high investment costs, which should also evaluate the cost of insulation measures are added, the air humidity can decrease the interior uncomfortable, so here, for example by Wassernebler and indoor plants used again must be remedied. An individual planning assumes these effects are largely vermeidbar.quelle: Stoltenberg-energie.de
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The decision is for a heat pump often taken as a function of the existing insulation of the house. From an economic perspective, however, heat pumps are in poorly insulated buildings the most economical. Since this course contradicts the ethos of the primary energy reduction, rehabilitation willing to face the question: First, the first insulation or a heat pump? The completion of both measures is not to finance often. Since the question of the order of energy consultants is usually answered with an unequivocal made first house insulation, shown by the following considerations to starting points, refuting the conventional wisdom and clearly illustrate why you should first install a heat pump, and then to gradually from the savings to insulate the house.
First of all, the relative savings in heating costs
a clear argument for the heat pump. This achieves savings in buildings by 50%. A
average investment for the conversion in stock usually costs € 25,000. Substituting both quantities into the relationship, then an amortization of 10 years to calculate. To repay an insulation measure is similar savings achieved, usually well above 20 Jahre.quelle: Stoltenberg-energie.de
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modern buildings have a insulated base plate, to insulate the basement walls is planned on the outside. In contrast, old buildings remains primarily a retrofit insulation to stop the high energy losses. A basement that is heated and used in, to insulate later, but is extremely expensive. Here it is worthwhile to reconsider the use.
source: energy-saving-the-haushalt.de
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Above or below?
The thermal insulation of the basement ceiling is often too little attention. But even here there is a way to save energy with little financial outlay.
The simplest type of retrospective Thermal insulation of flat solid floors is sticking or plugging of insulation from the ceiling side. Faucet (for example, water, heating, electricity) require the retrofitting of insulation layers of special attention. Ceiling lights may need to re-fastened and their connections are extended. The maximum insulation thickness may be limited by eg directly beneath the basement ceiling, built-in cellar windows.
basement ceiling with odd and uneven bottom (caps or vaulted ceilings) are only using a sub-support structure or later dämmbar.
are most meaningful substructures, transverse to the support systems run, since the distances of these carriers usually over 1.00 meters. Otherwise you will need a stud again be appropriate to the distance of the used lining (plasterboard, plasterboard, etc.) is adjusted. All joints and connections of the edge support structure must be designed so that an uncontrolled flow behind the insulation material is prevented with room air.
as material for the floor structures are suitable flexible insulating best. It is also possible to install only the sub-structure with cladding and to subsequently blow the cavity with insulation.
The insulation on the floor It only makes sense if a hobby of living space and adequate room space is available. The necessary building heights be at least 6 - 10 cm. The follow-up (eg, cut doors, radiator, set it higher) and were the entrance to the apartment resulting paragraphs and thresholds to be considered.
Do you have a cold or a hot cellar?
The basement ceiling is always under construction so designed as a floor. Nowadays, most often used in new buildings a blanket of reinforced concrete. To improve the sound insulation properties are on the reinforced concrete floor impact sound insulation placed. In general, it is the relocation of a wet stroke.
ceilings contribute significantly to the reinforcement of buildings because the walls are standing in different axes positively connected to each other and brace each other. To reduce sound transmission, a possibly existing ceiling space is completely filled with mineral wool insulation.
In basement ceilings are two possible scenarios:
- Heated basement
- Unheated basement
is heated the basement should be taken in the usual insulation of the floor and walls.
limits must be observed
If you want to clean up an outside wall or re-build, you must observe certain values of the EnergieEinsparverodnung (EnEV) or comply. These are usually around the U-value (= heat transfer coefficient) of the relevant wall. The distinction between buildings with EnEV a normal (> 19 °) and buildings with a low internal temperature (< 19°).
- Normal indoor temperatures require U-values between 0.45 W / (m² K) and 0.35 W / (m² K).
- Lower internal temperatures allow U-value of 0.75 W / (m² K).
These heat transfer coefficients do not have to be met if:
- Evidence for the entire building is performed.
- The change in less than 20% of the wall surface to the same side of the building concerned.
- The expansion is at least contiguous 30 cubic meters.
Where and how can be insulated?
pitched roofs have changed considerably in its structure in recent decades. The task of the best tile roof was to protect the building from damage by the elements. The ample sized and often unused roof space was due to the high number of joints of roofing ventilated very well, and so provides a Humidity and temperature compensation.
housing shortage and rising construction costs, however, led to increased use of housing reserve. Thus, the period for the simple roof, a high-quality component building physics with a variety needs. The high demands on the heat, noise, fire and moisture protection are met by a layer structure that uses the property for optimum performance and building materials.
The insulation technology running pitched roofs, a distinction on the location of the insulation between rafters
- About
- insulation between rafters
- Under rafters
The version with the roof insulation boards (see adjacent figure) and thus allows a continuous transfer of thermal bridging of the insulation on the rafters. The rafters can be run as a visible rafters. An additional rafter insulation is also possible.
Basic requirements
EIFS in all its layered structure as a system of one manufacturer in accordance with the manufacturer's guidelines to perform. In addition, the provisions of the relevant building regulations concerning the fire performance of the materials used, particularly the insulation materials are observed. Depending on the province and building height may be permitted or demanded:
- Flammable materials (B2)
- combustible materials with a strip of non-flammable insulation above window and door openings
- flame-resistant (B1)
- non-combustible materials ( A1 or A2)
- bonding of insulation to the substrate without mechanical fastening
- bonding the insulation with additional doweling
- laying the insulation in a pegged aluminum rail system
- dowel construction approval
- Simplified stability proof
- stability proof
Curtain, ventilated facades (VHF) consist of the components:
- clothing
- ventilation
- insulation
- substructure
In a VHF a wide range is of possible facade cladding as a final weather protection and freedom of design of the facade are available. Depending on the design desired, a "light" cladding or a "serious" clothing will be selected. As clothing materials are commonly used:
- aluminum composite panels
- Fiber cement
- fiber reinforced Harzkompositplatten
- wood
- wood cement
- high-pressure laminates (HPL)
- ceramic
- natural stones
- titanium zinc
- support plate systems for plaster, ceramic and glass applications
- brick
be used mainly for VHF mineral insulating materials for thermal, acoustic and fire protection, offer themselves for any use and building height. Insulation can be placed in any required thickness.
The substructure is the static link between the supporting outer wall and the actual cladding. As materials are steel, wood or aluminum or a combination are available. The majority has prevailed aluminum. These substructures are three-dimensional adjustable and lie down without force to the building structure. Unevenness and Wandversprünge can ausgleichen.quelle easy gieselmann.info
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Adequate insulation of external walls and roof of a building is guaranteed for newer buildings already by appropriate government regulations, was often neglected in older buildings. Therefore, there are many older homes for energy efficiency in this regard, a very large potential to improve the energy efficiency significantly by subsequent actions performed to Wärmedammung the external walls and roof are. Who are the owners an older house decides to invest money in the subsequent thermal insulation of the house can, to a considerable cost savings from a mar. the heating of the house and go to the other in the house, due to selling by increasing energy efficiency, just in case certainly can be better or rent.
measures for additional insulation of houses are for example:
a) For the insulation of exterior walls
There are several ways to insulate exterior walls later that depend on the particular nature of the exterior walls. Thus, for the case of two-layered external walls, So the exterior walls of two layers separated by air walls are, simply inject insulating material from outside into the air layer. Another possibility for the subsequent insulation of exterior walls, as it is with monocoque exterior masonry in general, dress up the exterior walls with insulation panels that are covered only by a thin layer of plaster.
b) The insulation of the roof A roof is insulated
usually by insulation products are introduced, such as glass wool between the rafters. The cost for subsequent thermal insulation of the roof depends on whether the attic is already expanded or not. If you just from the inside gets to the rafters the work must be done without much effort, since the insulation can easily fit inside. You should not approach more from the inside to the rafters, the roof from the outside, are insulated from the decline of the roof tiles. These works are of course more complex.
Whether you want to insulate the roof of a house or the outside walls later, you should be pre-qualified advice and carry out the work, if possible, by a construction company. Although the costs of such measures are not exactly small, worthwhile However, with such long-term security. Thus, the subsequent insulation of exterior walls does already for a house of average size, often a heating cost savings of more than 500 € per year and the subsequent insulation of the roof after all, usually more than 250 € per Jahr.quelle: energy-saving tipps.com
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masonry The insulation measure is feasible in the short term and usually without scaffolding and construction site equipment. Consuming and expensive preliminary work on the buildings are not necessary. Either or mold-injection holes in the Cross joints of the walls or drilled stones taken from the walls. This can also be difficult to reach areas of the cavity layer and filled evenly. After Dämmvorgang the holes grouted or easily removed stones will be reinstated. |
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roof and ceiling During the subsequent one ceiling insulation boards are 2-3 down from the attic removed from the Fußbodendielung. Then, the insulating material is introduced into the compartments. After Dämmvorgang If the removed planks reinstated |
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ventilation and pipe shafts existing supply wells may later be filled with granular Rockwool. The non-combustible stone wool with a melting point> 1000 ° C according to DIN 4102 can prevent the fire spreading to other floors in the utility shaft. |
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vaulted ceilings and domes The problems of classical insulation with sheets or webs include vaulted ceilings in churches, halls and curved ceilings of older buildings. For these sectors in the German Rockwool Sprühklebetechnik for the blow-in insulation system has developed. With this technique, the insulation even in designs with a slope werden.quelle applied slip-up to 80%, evenly and seamlessly: trotherm.de |
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The advantages of the subsequent insulation should here the example of a subsequent layer of insulation of the hollow masonry are presented.
The injected into the existing air layer insulation, the heat flow through the building envelope will significantly change. The surface temperature of the inner walls is increased. The inner walls, beams " thus less cold from. The result is a significantly lower consumption of heating energy and a more comfortable living environment.
In the adjacent diagram of the temperature profile without / with insulation in a typical exterior wall of a house represented the 60s / 70s.
The average payback time of a subsequent core insulation is about 8 years and is considerably shorter than other insulating investment. Let us show you on the possible promotion opportunities beraten.quelle: trotherm.de
Thursday, January 15, 2009
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When testing the neighbors, the new home theater system, children play later in the apartment one floor exercise or is hammered next door late into the night, the strain on the nerves. Subsequent sound insulation with gypsum board products of plaster reduces the noise without much effort.
According to a study by the Spectra research about the relationship of the Austrians with their neighbors noise is at the top of the disturbances. Almost a third of all respondents said they were not feeling the often disturbed by noise from neighboring apartments or neighboring buildings. Some of the main sources of noise pollution, loud noise through crafts, dogs barking, loud music, noisy children and extensive celebrations. Who will no longer angry about stomping, roaring and drilling can protect themselves with subsequent sound remedy.
Basically, noise can be reduced most where it has its source. With dry floor and mineral wool insulation in the floor, the impact sound transmission can be reduced considerably from their own homes. A measure but is usually only for new buildings or major refurbishment in the course possible.
it is much simpler, however, recover a suspended ceiling. These anchors are mounted on the ceiling plaster and fixed to corresponding elements. If, for special Acoustic ceiling panels such as plasterboard or perforated ceilings or coffered ceilings Gyptone Casoprano, improves not only the sound insulation, but creates the new ceiling is also equal to a visual highlight.
impact sound comes not only through the ceiling, but also looks for side roads on adjacent walls. Therefore, a combination of suspended ceiling and wall lining on the walls is most effective. For the front sheet, a substructure of wood or metal is attached to the wall. To reduce the sound transmission at these contact surfaces, a sealing strip is placed between them. The voids between the wood or metal studs are filled with mineral wool and Finally, the plasterboard screwed to the substructure. The surface of the wall is just plastered, painted or papered.
To cut the sound with a few, but very effective measures ab.quelle easy way: bdb.at
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How much is subsequent improvement in noise control possible?
Let's say that you are separated by a 15 cm thick brick wall of your neighbor. The weighted sound reduction index of this partition is only RW = 45 dB. If you do not want to miss out on your well deserved rest, we recommend the use of ISOVER Acousto-partition-terminal felt. To increase the sound insulation value by as much as 10 dB.
Simple design - high sound insulation.
Share your own sound protection wall. Noise barriers are not just on motorways. Maybe you just need one in your bedroom to be able to sleep again in the future still. Rather than counting sheep, you just need to give space to 10 cm wide and has halved the noise from the neighboring apartment.
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How it works: make a lightweight metal stud wall with gypsum board in front of your perceptive wall. The cavity that is created here between the metal studs, to be completed before the installation of the plasterboard with sound-absorbing partition ISOVER acousto-terminal felt. Done!
simple formula - big impact: 1 inch equals 1 dB! source
: isover.at
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an overview of the various solutions and systems for an individual to the respective Port calls, insulation provide you with the dealer. The expert determined the spot the right amount of insulation for the modernization project.
The fire protection requirements to be met for the components of a house are set in the Landesbauverordnungen of the countries.
important measures of preventive fire or fire protection include the use of flame-retardant or noncombustible materials (classification of building, fire resistance classes) and work to install fire-retardant or fire-resistant components, such as fire walls, fire walls, fire doors and as well as to ensure adequate escape and rescue routes.
The subsequent thermal insulation should not deteriorate the sound insulation. You can say simplified, that tough thermal insulation materials deteriorate with rendering the sound insulation, heat insulation materials with improved soft plaster for sound insulation. Thermal insulation, except apparel act for rather neutral.
moisture protection
exterior walls must provide both an adequate rain protection and protection against condensation on the inside of components. The driving rain of heat insulating material may be acting alone, there is an additional layer is required. This layer can, for example be a garment made of wood, slabs or plaster.
need protection from condensation when all the individual layers of the outer wall are considered, the installation of a vapor barrier or vapor barrier may be necessary. If necessary, should be a calculated scan to rule out possible structural damage due to condensation können.quelle: include hausundmarkt.de