Monday, September 28, 2009

Install Car Starter Syracuse

short message in between

Hey everybody!!

For me of course always a lot going on here. On Sunday, the children who were in Sabbavaram, come back again and were uebergluecklich because there was announced just pure nature and a lot of sport. Schoen slowly come again the children were at home again back in shelters, because tomorrow starts the school, of course, for me. Today was a firmly namely, that the children were now 10 days off, we are in blossom Beach school, but only today. On Wednesday, it announced exams with us. Indeed, there is every 28th month examination in each subject in our school. (this time for the 30th festival and 29 apparently not all children come to school because vacation was.)
It's nice to see once the other side of teaching, namely that of the teacher. I tremble sometimes even real, whether they create the exam well. Tomorrow is practicing again announced strong.

The teaching I actually very good, but it is sometimes very difficult because the children are very often unfocused and is also the language it is also partly a problem. But by and large it will bring the children ultimately much that we always speak English with them.

On Friday I was Telugu, Exam. "Wrote one of my staff together a few words and I learned. It works fine, but is really difficult and I can only a few short phrases, and the children it's great fun and I learn a little something.

The weather is crazy now. It's time for the rainy season and today we remember, is absolutely right. were as Bettie and I today 1 min from the house, it has to pour begonnne afraid we have provided below and find out but then walked into the shelter. Later when we went Back, it started raining again for the course. When we were in our house, it has again aufgehoert. Somehow crazy. Two days ago it was at the NM again very hot and the sun is strong gescheint.

What follows naturally from the chaos of weather, many of the children are caught cold or have a slight fever, and I a little. But nothing bad, just a slight chill, but the children give me so much power that all this is not a problem.

with the children is always handle the loose and they go very easy on us to remember that they play with us, run around, joking, but can also speak.

I was now a bit longer.
India is beautiful, fit people nice, good food, my duties, the dress comfortably beat (tomorrow we get tailored things from cotton, so we have no problems with the skin), with Betty, it's really very nice because We do all impressions together, same view and have a lot of fun and really gossip much.

I wish you all the best!
I think of you!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Jenna Haze Star Shirt

The first days at school

is now already a lot going on here in India.

On Monday (yesterday) we were the first time in school, but only two hours. I taught the 3rd Class in English.
Today we were three hours in the school. As of now I have the 2nd and 3 together in English that is very exciting to them to learn English because I do not speak Telugu, so we communicate only over English. But with word fragments and sign language all goes well. Besides I have the 4th Class in mathematics. I've discovered today that they have a much higher level than expected, so I have my some things look exactly how they learn it in India, for example because the division is different than ours. The 4th Graders understand almost all reasonably good English. Every day I make and Betti numbers or even Craft-hour. Here we have 2, 3, 4, 6 class, but always different combinations.
The kids are really nice, but terribly alive. It is very funny when I explain what and no one understands and knows how suddenly have a child, it all says in one sentence in Telugu and all understand it. But good ...

The Shelter is currently very quiet, which is only 4 big boys here. The other children are currently in Sabbavaram, in another project that a large Riessen has play area, palms, place, etc.. So on Monday when we came into the shelter, all the boys were there with a backpack and told us that they go on vacation. We were shocked briefly, but then of course we are happy for them.
Some children were on Saturday for 10 days (vacation) home to their parents. The eyes of the children shone really, the other kids were of course all the more sad, is also understandable.

So my normal daily routine: go

getting up 7:30 Breakfast 8:00
school (by bus) 8:45
13.00 Lunch 15:00
arts and crafts with the boys from the Shelter
. 16:00 we are in the shelter and play with the Guys, prepare things and go with the outdoor games

20.00 Dinner and then we prepare for yet mostly from the school.

normally so this is my daily routine, but in India is just always a lot different than you expected, but that's just so exciting.

A few funny experiences BZE. Things that are different to Austria

. The second time we went by bus, we have the same Ticketverkaeufer asked why we are only two and not three (because last year there were three volos from Austria). We have seen this man ever, and he already knows us, knows where we are, what we do, etc. ..

. in India are bought by piece and there is no note to explain this

. where if a construction site, the road sides are separated in the middle (similar to a motorway), then may be that the road is suddenly and you just come from driving a piece on the other side, but no traffic signs.

. at a crosswalk in the center is in a police officer with box and microphone and says that people across the zebra crossing the road to.

. been made at a railway gates, all vehicles go forward so that the entire street is filled ... But somehow it out but that the oncoming traffic still comes over later

. the traffic light has a Countdown for how long is green or red, the latest on all three cars go.

. the computer from where I'm sitting is packed with plastic, because otherwise everything would be so dirty.

. The most important rule: be careful what you have to three things: animals, women, children

So I am now arrived at a very in India, so read I've you have written a few things I noticed, because is slow beautiful it all normal and in later than one month, I'll no longer wonder about it.

fits with the health of me all have no problems. Otherwise I'm
with my duties very satisfied. Sure, it's exhausting and not always easy, but it was aware of.

I am currently learning the Telugu. I can already write the letters A-I. Sounds good, but it is not because the words do not write to letters, but often summarized into a label and the syllables. I'm learning to speak and AZ times a bit and then see what time will come. I prefer to have a little idea.

So I am doing great and I'm happy with the culture, lifestyle (eat with your fingers .... :-)) and especially with my job.

far as I am of a brief report. I would like to tell so much, but then I would have to write every day for an hour.

I will soon put new photos up, you'll get further in.

Kind regards


PS: Today was something special when we went out on NM from our house. It has geregnt :-). The fresh air and the few drops of rain are very pleasant. But I'm getting used to sweating even at slow all the time.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Expiration Dates On Clonazepam

First Birthday Party

Today there is much to report wiedermal interesting and exciting. It is very exciting and is always more to discover many new things. Unfortunately, by the excitement of sleep suffer somewhat, because I dream a lot of weird stuff and this restless sleep. But it surprises me again and again how much I still have power.

before yesterday (Tuesday) as we have done throughout the day as already eraehnt program.
We sure have the text of all my ducks in English spoken language or rewritten in the form:

R-le myne anthen
Shivman owf dam say
Shivman owf dam say
Caph-hen oontars vrssr
Shranzhen in dee hey

this text in English, then come out the right one. Some children who can read, have you read the text properly. We have them but also learned to sing by.

Yesterday morning we washed the first time our laundry by hand. Actually went quite well.

Then in the afternoon we have the Case Studies translated from English and German. These are the stories of children, about their family background, why they are there suw. Some real stories that are real bad. But we must simply remember that the Pitiful does not help, but we now want the children well and Benefactor moechlichst them make a good time trying.
Today we translate are finished with that.

The children have the time every day for 10 days, exams, so they get almost all the time, so we have to do in Shelter initially little. But around e are plenty simmer. They also have 10 days vacation, where it then the fun begins for us.

Yesterday was the first birthday party in the Shelter. We have made these cards with the months and placed in a circle. Then a poster of "Happy Birthday" and the child's name placed in the center. At the beginning we asked the boy how old he is today. But, as we feared he did not know his age, but luckily we had looked forward to the list.
We learned that this is his first birthday celebration. You can not imagine how he smiled and has blasted. He was so happy and delighted insane.
Betti and I have the song "now it can rain" rewritten in English and learned the boy. After that we sang together Happy Birthday. Moreover, it was given a sweet and each child has congratulated. The boy has blasted all the time.
For me a beautiful and bestraerkendes experience.

Brother Kalyan, which is currently at our shelter, and always eat with us goes, unfortunately, tomorrow back to Italy. He helped us a lot about the culture, the land, know the city. For example, he has taken us already on his moped. I + Betty + Kalyan on the scooter yesterday and even then two bags and a guitar to it (all putting their worries-that's India ... Here some sit three adults and even 2 children on a moped or someone transported 5 large Gas storage holders).

Saturday is Father Sojan, the project manager Back then to Vizag. We are curious if we will get to know him. It's also good when it comes, because we finally know which room, which functions exactly, then we get keys, etc. Currently, some things are still very unklarm, but it will be all right.

simmer with the children it is very fun and we learn quite well the names but some of them are really very difficult.

Our Telugu is already a bit overboard not ok, we can limit the number to 10 and a few phrases, but the kids are proud of us. Physiologically it is

it very much. All asthma, digestive, climate change ... complaints were fortunately far from even.
The only thing not so pleasant, is sweating all the time. It's so hot, so about 30 degrees at least. The Brusche sometimes run around with long jeans because they're used to and we ... .. Well get used we sweat, but for us it nice and slow.

There would still be much to tell, so many stories, impressions ... but a lot can not put into words easily.

far as I know where everything fits at home. I am always happy about news from my home and the latest news.

As you heraushoert hope that this is what I wanted to make happy, and I enjoy it. It's still not really happening, but the first activities were really successful, have fun and make you wanting more.

Fits all good care of yourselves! I think of you!

your Martina

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Watch Family Guy On The Iphone

start in Vizag


Unfortunately I only very short time to write. But I just know that I still get a little bit longer, so good ...

We are now mittlerwleile since Friday evening, arriving after 13 hours by train, in Vishakapatnam (Vizag). It is in the state of Andra Pradesh.

The project manager of this is currently not here, so we have a lot eingewoehnungsphase. We also sleep in another house and are soon left the shelter, where we more often then the computer can bennuetzen. At the moment, unfortunately skpyen not possible, because we can no longer outside the home in the evening and in our house just is not a PC.

Vizag is a very big city, Vienna most of the residents about how. But only the zwitgroesste town in Andhra Pradesh. Hyderabad is the largest with about as many inhabitants as the whole of Austria.
In Vizag dirt everywhere, because firstly, it is garbage everywhere, but especially the second one is because Riessen coal and steel plants in the vicinity and the whole city with dirt covers. Meien feet are in the coal-black, but the is normal.
might sound funny, but Vizag is a beautiful city with beautiful squares, we were even on the beach.
Traffic is very different in Austria. The cars go anywhere. There is in the middle blocking lines, but these are guidelines only. The honking cars and always stay very very very very rare. Before curves is honked when they took over, when are women, children or pets on the road (it is here just along the road and cars between). On some vehicles even please use the horn. On the street you walk slowly, and the vehicles front and back over and you can slowly crosses the street, because if we would wait until a car comes, would be necessary to wait approximately one year.

The weather is currently cloudy at times, then it is only warm, but for example today is back for my whole wet but that's ok and gewoehnungssache.

The boys in the project are really great to have fun in everything we do and go at us. Few speak English a little better, most of telugu only, but what we have hands feet and head.
on Yesterday evening at about 19 clock we have learned that the boys have the day off and we should do all day program .. Thats India. But it was not a problem for us. We did play in such groups to fashion shows, building bridges ball games, dance, limbo and was the best ..... each group had to add a line to learn from all of my ducks. The video of which we will soon be time to make internet. It's really funny, but they did it perfectly.
then was still a Awards ceremony.

Yesterday we got the beach school, will be teaching in which we visit. The children immediately ran over to us. As everywhere in India. Everyone greets us, staring at us, the children running after us. Getting used to, but ok and kind of funny.
also were we get at the fish market or the harp, where Riessen fishing boats with a plethora of fish and they are sold. The rumors ... phew ....

Sun and even to me. I am doing great, really good. Have absolutely no health problems. Also do not homesick or anything, am really motivated and enjoy the country, people live it. Schoen slowly I begin to india love yu. It's so beautiful here, I am which points really, which I have already grown to love and I am very happy that I have dared this step.

Thanks for the mail I received. I am very happy about it. Currently is missing the time to write back.

Thanks for the great support of you all.

I'm fine, hopefully you too.

All the best


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Where Can I Buy Japanese Purses

first greetings the beautiful India!

We are now after the 17 hour trip and after a half hour wait at the airport, arrived in Hyderabad. Have you 7 hours of sleep, tea, biscuits, tour and shower (with buckets because of the shower valve does not work) behind us.

Have some of the Indian cultural experience, but it will still get a lot for us. An Indian said to us: "In India there are more rules broken than kept" and yes it is, considering for example the road. But that's just so exciting to India.

morning you with a 12 - hour drive to get off the train (we can not, because some are a bit brutal, because yesterday a major politician has died and they are pending, but the train sure everything will be ok, they have said ) to Vishakapatnam to our project.

From there I will certainly call again!

All the best to nice greets


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What Does Strep Throat Look Like On A Slide

stop London

Hey everybody!

Betty and I are now ind have been about 4 hours at London, but enjoy the Zeitmit talks and to realize something what to expect and that our big dream is now real time!

Big THANK YOU to everyone for me lately were there. I will think of you.

Much love
