everyday trips
Since a few days, I am me again to write a blog post, well, then today is exactly the right weather to ... it was pouring ... ... It has now somehow starting the rainy season, or at least a harbinger of it. So it has been raining all week, but today it really pours right the whole time, so the street full of water and it is difficult to come to school, would also come in this weather anyway little kids, so today at our school without classes. Also on Monday
was already enough going on in school, because on this Days on strike across India because of high oil prices. The public schools, as well as shops and much more remained closed. Furthermore, no buses and drove very few outos. In the morning we managed to get a Outo .... Although we were during the trip about 4 times stopped by people with sticks, but we had some important people sitting in uniform in our Outo, so they let us pass forever. At noon it was really all paralyzed. Luckily, just an employee at the school, me and Betty was then brought to the scooter in the pouring rain back home. I have not seen this ever, the whole road was empty. Outos No, no people, no buses.
Last week, Betty, Eli and I three days in Vijayawada visit the other Volos and look at the project there. It is a really big and well-organized project, really nice. You notice the difference to our simple, as it has existed for 25 years, our project is less than 5 years old. After the nice three days in Vijayawada, we took the train to Hyderabad. There we visited other Volos, looked at a few sights, visited our former Father and then we brought Eli to the airport, unfortunately, as their three-week visit was over and she flew back to Switzerland. On Saturday, Betty and I drove back 14 hours by train. We took this time a place to sleep, because it's really much more comfortable and the time goes really fast. It was a nice trip, but it's always nice to come home again.
Well if I do not just travel and also makes us the rain does not thwart, then I have been teaching in the school. Now sounds as if it would be rare, but do not worry I've been there often enough. The 2nd
And 3 Class I teach again in English. Although there are many students, teaching actually works very well, but we have to have something together and I have the children learn better. Unfortunately, this is often very difficult, because few children really come every day, there are many who are holding back sometimes and then not longer.
The first love Class Teach I also in English and she really steal a lot of nerve. Even when I'm alone in the class until they are at times quiet and all sit in her place. Of course, many are often not, so sometimes I have five students, then wiedermal more than 15, crazy. The next big problem arises when I want them copying something. I then walk about 10 minutes until everyone around a notebook or a small table and has a matching pin and then to really write off all is somehow my patience and the time already over. But I can teach them a bit already and if it's just that sometimes they finally sit quietly and simply write off what. Usually I prepare now before Worksheets, because in fact they are all work quietly and diligently, and even make the worksheet because it makes them so fun, 2 or 3 or even 4 times. The beauty is, when the hour is over, no matter what was in the hour, the children laugh and run around and hug me, talk to me, smile at me and I can not just be evil.
Well, my dear 4th Class. It consists of 2-3 boys and 5 Maedler. The boys multiply and divide as the world champion and I am already at the superior to what I can do with them yet. The girls and (so around 12 - 14 years) struggling just starting with subtractions. About 3 weeks I have explained some of them, as expected minus works at all. Meanwhile, we already do it with 10 below and reckon with the help of fingers (Traderjob kind of funny when the fingers come in calculations because the number is greater than 10, then just the toes are used for further calculations). The girls have probably helped in recent years at home in the household and also fear that their future is therefore, means that they will be married soon and are likely to be mothers and housewives. But I'm currently really happy that they all come regularly to school and are genuinely motivated to learn. In addition, you notice her age at maturity, so they do not hit all the time and take away any of the pins to each other and they even have pen and notebook with (ok a notebook in which all specialties and breadth be written, but no matter), so the teaching does with them after I am always well before the first Class was amused.
What else was going on ... at 25.6. We went with our Father one day in a tribal area. Soon in the morning we left we went out with the jeep from the city, where there are many villages and then up a mountain by seemingly untouched nature. When we got there was up a really large village with many shops, schools and of course people. First, we found ourselves at the famous caves are there. Then we wanted to watch a tribal museum, but it was closed. So we drove back down the mountain a piece and went there a village. There have sisters a house in which they teach children from tribal families and give them accommodation and so on. These children then live there for a year and then they come in other projects, then all the boys come to us. So we have seen the house where most of our guys have spent a year. The Sisters know the families of our boys, so it was very interesting to talk with them and to learn more about the family background. Some of them come from villages as to which one often 2, 3 or even 4 hours walk must walk. Go to the house of one must be even about 8 hours, really unbelievable for us. In many of these Doerfter so many parents have an alcohol problem, as they make themselves and which alcohol be dependent. The life of this pristine nature seems very nice and easy, but I think it is very hard and very difficult. Some of our boys spent many years in different homes, there is absolutely not at home schooling is often possible.
Unfortunately, many of them not aware of the importance of education for them is, therefore, are already running some of them. A few bigger guys but we have been informed about it and for some, I know that they can go from home to school. Of course, the school was not as good, and it is questionable whether they will go at all, but I just have to trust that they will get their way. The married Young is unfortunately also gone home. I then learned that he lives not far away from a big village and it so is not a problem for him to go to school and he has also promised that he will go. Well probably, and it is for him to live truly the best at his wife. Despite all the hope I then feared as recently learned that he did not go to school, but working from home and probably animals guards or the like. Yes it makes me sad, but it's part of life here.
Another problem that prevails among the tribals, which we have heard but only in recent weeks, are the Maoist (freedom fighter). They live everywhere in the jungle, so in the villages of our Triablburschen too. It even once said that there is too dangerous for us to visit the villages. I've been genuinely unaware that the Maoists are so close and so active. Currently in the newspaper every day on the first page an article about an action of the Maoists or the police against them. What shows me how dangerous they really are showing me the fact that the police in cold blood just shoots once they find one. That sounds scary and it is so, but do not worry they will never come to town. It is also an issue that only shows up for me just because I was informed about it, but the Maoists have been living here for 40 years in the forests and are always kind of active.
My time here is more like something the late, two months can pass as real as in flight. From the beginning of September I will be back in the country.
I try to enjoy the last time and I'm still curious how it will be back in Austria. Honestly, I have to say, however, that I have some fear of parting, as I many people here are very close to my heart and I do not know when I will see her again. Moreover, the transition back to Austria is certainly not so simple, but no matter ... I think now too much about it, but am still here.
Sodalala so much of the news from me. I am superior to me now the ultimate intention for me the children of the first Class in the grip get (even among other things, so I can show my teacher colleague that there are other ways than a stick for the children to calm down. Unfortunately, they are currently plugging better off than me. Refer principally eh rather not to , but the children know that there is a possibility that they will be beaten, so they are quiet. But I'll do it now, hopefully with educational resources without having to pay them inspire fear).
I wish you all wonderful and relaxing vacation. Kind regards Martina
Have also uploaded two videos. At the wrap party for our old students, all teachers said they have about something. Some have also talked about me. Two Videos and I gave up loading ... the two Maedl it presented in their best English. I'm really proud of them:
And something funny I as an attachment: Recently we told by a driver full Outo proud that his children are even studying abroad, he knows even the place where he wants to send them, namely to London, which is located in the U.S. and the acronym stands for United Nations of Africa that is the heart of UK, he explained. Well then all clear where this place is. (I have to say in his defense in a Telugumovie happens that an Indian Family receives a visit from the U.S. and the city from the visits will be in London so naja greet the geography allows)!