Thursday, January 13, 2011

How To Attach A Bedhea

have "and another signature, please ..."

Now is finally signed, the planning application and we have moved a step closer to the house.
But here we had to very careful that everything is as we would like to have. Unfortunately, there still got a small restriction: the brick chimney on the outside wall had to be moved inside. Why? Otherwise the house would not fit on the site as I had imagined.
Now we have the right neighbors 3 m .... to the left side there are now 6,7 m. The intention is to that fit in. there a Carpot parking, an open car parking space and a small passage. But not so bad as long as we do not have to completely give up the chimney.
The remaining special needs have remained as planned.
But it's a strange feeling to now be set for the rest of life. A return or a change is now no longer just for certain things.
After all the signing gabs then unexpectedly great news: our architect expects that we can directly start in early March with the construction, unless we have to again count on masses of snow. And the message to
's it for half as bad that we are presented with the first bill. O)
So we wait now for the first time when the planning application is due, the property must be overridden and even then ... even then it'll go.


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