Uni Osnabrück StuPa-election in 2011 poll results
press release on the election results
Preliminary final result for elections at the University
The elections at the University of Osnabrück are counted with a preliminary result. The lists of the Greens, both in the election to the Senate to unite and the choice of the student parliament the most votes on you. In the future, they provide two student senators, student senator and the third is provided by the university group htw + Friends.
Seats the Student Parliament are distributed as follows among the various university groups lined up: Green HSG 18 seats (+4), htw + Friends 10 seats (+0), JU HSG 8 seats (+2), Juso HSG 4 seats (-3), Small Rascals 2 seats (+1), fun and conviviality 2 seats (-1) and LHG 1 seat (-2).
"The turnout at alarmingly low 16.83%", says the chairman of the Student Election Committee, Fabian Budde, and added: ". Is the place no student representatives satisfied"
same time, university-wide with the active bodies were the bodies of the departments, faculty councils and student council members elected. This was a reflection significant differences in voter turnout. The figures ranged from just under 10% and 27.5%. "The high turnout shows very clearly that there are disciplines where the university policy of the students is not perceived. The student bodies are called upon to bring them more to their students too close, "said the student returning officer Philipp Zeller.
The election committees will determine their next meetings, the official results in each case. Then, if known, which persons are drawn from lists in which the respective bodies. Changes in the distribution of seats against the provisional final results are expected.
ps: The e-mail the Election Committee was not until a copy to the university groups, and first to press, radio, media ... Shame! ^ ^
new-oz.de, StadtBlatt-osnabrueck.de, unifunk.uos.de, asta.fh-osnabrueck.de, agency-wortgewandt.de, osradio.de, os-sonntagszeitung.de, on -live.de, uos.de, campuszeitung24.de, ndr.de, antenne.com, StadtBlatt-osnabrueck.de, os1.tv