Well, we see a Saint Bernard and a sausage plate. Meaning: AStA eats our money because: This is how it is.
criticism, reason is seen here party-dependent. So irrelevant?
sausage is decried here as the highest good Studis, symbolized by money, sweat, and tuition fees. In order to discriminate against vegetarians, vegans and chop-eater on the one hand. In addition, sausage is no longer legal tender. I see blood sausage, which may indicate blood money. Also: money can not eat.
from saying we come to the parent, as amended biblical parable that uses the Young Union for their flyer: rather go for a camel through the eye of a needle ... "The Parable of the Synoptic Gospels denied the rich to enter heaven." Aha. So we see camel sausages, or what? For the well-adapted's eye, so that the JU (and their sub-and superstructure) would enter heaven. Who are the poor sausages? Or we have to deal with such subtle critique of capitalism?
The Saint Bernard is a fine dog, a family-friendly animal that can also pack up properly - especially when it jumps for joy, and knocks it to lick the face begins. Great. But he is also the rescue dog, 'Joseph' in the mountains, with Heidi, Peter and the goats-Alm-Uncle - a true friend. Therefore, this type of dog fits in here do not. It is expected to JU-intention rather the big bad wolf, an all-devouring fury. This is a serious design fault leading to massive point deductions. The Bernhadiner is vilified here illegally. We call the Humane Society! Or has the common JU'ler scared of large dogs love.

Intention: This AStA verballert said coal for the things we want or can not pennant the JU.
Correct: AStA This is a strong, sweet, cuddly animal that guarded the battle for us drive so we can always live on them: D So must be.
We wish the following JU:
Image source:
http://www.ju-hochschulgruppe.de/?attachment_id = 1197
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